MGA Technologies is committed to total customer satisfactions. We'll provide a refund or replacement when the part we shipped has been found defective.
When request for refund, please provide the following information.

  1. The PI number, your PO number, the product and the quantity.
  2. Obtain a RMA number from your sales rep.
  3. Arrange for return shipment via appointed forwarder as provided by your sales reps from MGA Technologies.  We will not accept your own forwarder charges unless it is with prior agreement with MGA Technologies in writing.
  4. The return goods must be in proper protection packing.  We will only refund the return parts without any damages due to misused or mishandling.
  5. The return amount will be the product cost less the bank charges.  MGA Technologies will pay for the "sender's" charges and we will not be responsible for any other bank charges at the recipient end.
  6. All refund will be either by cheque, wire transfer or credit notes.  No cash transactions will be processed.


Many of the parts are excess purchases and or obsolete products, therefore customer should not request for return or replacement due to date code.

We strive to provide our products in original or equivalent packaging meeting or exceeding standard industry standard. No return or refund will be accepted based on packaging.